Dynamic Love Ministries Logo Identity Design
Logos , VideoBertie Brits of Dynamic Love Ministries in Malmesbury, South Africa contacted us about creating a new logo identity for his growing online ministry and message of Grace, Mercy and Love. We were extremely honored to help and produced some logo designs that reflected his amazing message and world ministry travels. The goal of the new design was to work well across all the available social media venues available today and be suitable for future ministry endeavors.
About Dynamic Love Ministries:
"The most powerful force in existence is the Love of God for mankind. The vision of Dynamic Love Ministries is to spread the message of His love to as many people as possible and help people stay in His message of love for them. Our mission is for as many people as possible to realize and believe the following; God made us His destination... He feels perfectly at home in a human being. He does not care to spend and be spent for you so that you could know the joy of experiencing His quality of life forever. You are loved by the creator, our Father", says Pastor Bertie Brits.
If you would like to learn more about Dynamic Love Ministries, Watch via Livestream, Listen on Youtube, Subscribe on Facebook, or support them with seed donations then visit www.dynamicministries.com or click the link below.
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